Admission Requirements

First-Year Admission Requirements


  1. 毕业于认可的高中或同等学历或成功完成高中同等考试(GED), HiSET or TASC).
  2. Submit an official high school transcript.
  3. Satisfactory class rank in the high school graduating class.
  4. Satisfactory completion of a high school curriculum preparing the student for college. Although no specific distribution of high school credits is required for admission, a college preparatory curriculum is recommended, including:
    1. four years of English (grammar, composition, literature).
    2. two years of a foreign language.
    3. three or four years of college preparatory mathematics (algebra, plane geometry and advanced algebra as a minimum).
    4. 2 - 3年实验室科学(至少2年生物,化学和物理).
    5. two years of social science (selected from U.S., world and European history; government; sociology; psychology; geography; economics).
  5. 学生高中指导顾问或校长提供的个人参考资料. 25岁或以上的申请人可提交他人的适当推荐信.
  6. 最终的正式成绩单将由高中或学习机构提交给招生办公室, validating the completion of degree.

Application Procedures

  1. Apply online at, or via the Common Application at
  2. Once your application is submitted, please provide an official high school transcript, including current course work and most recent grades available.
  3. 学生应在完成高中三年级后尽早提交完整的申请, 但至少在他们计划入学的学期开始前30天.

Fast Forward

有动力在三年内获得学士学位的学生可以考虑十大网赌正规网址快进计划. 快进的学生可以通过AP/双学分和个性化的学术指导来完成大多数专业. In addition to the first-year admissions requirements, applicants to the Fast Forward programs are required to:

  1. Select a specific major.
  2. Apply by May 1 prior to beginning first-year classes.

Admission and Enrollment 

  1. An admission decision will be made when the application is complete. The applicant will usually be notified within two weeks.
  2. 所有被录取的学生都需要缴纳100美元的入学保证金,以确认他们的入学意向. This fee is refundable through May 1 for the fall semester.

  3. 新秋季学生的选课和注册将在春季开始,并与夏季迎新活动协调完成 & Gold Day).

  4. Residential life information is sent to all enrolled students. 学生填写住宿协议,住在大学设施或申请住在校外表格,从家里通勤.

  5. 所有全日制和非全日制学生都需要填写一份健康记录表,其中需要个人病史, a complete immunization record and an emergency record card. 完整的健康记录表必须在学生第一学期开始上课之前与大学存档.

Advanced Standing (Transfer) Admission

In addition to the first-year admission requirements, 转到曼彻斯特的学生必须将正式成绩单直接从以前就读的每个高等教育机构的注册主任处发送到曼彻斯特的招生办公室.

A transfer candidate must have a cumulative transfer grade point average of a 2.0 (4.0 scale) to be eligible for admission. 没有资格在最后就读的学院重新注册的转学候选人通常将被认为没有资格进入十大网赌正规网址至少一个学期.

只有在其他机构的所有正式成绩单提交给十大网赌正规网址后,才能完成转学分评估. If only partial information is available, 可要求进行暂定评估,但在收到所有文件之前不能视为正式评估.

在地区认可机构取得的C级及以上学分,经学分评估程序批准后可以转移. Grades, however, are not transferable. 接受的学分将酌情用于LARC和主要要求,并由转学学分报告核实. 目前在十大网赌正规网址注册的学生,如果希望在其他学术机构(例如十大网赌正规网址)的课程中获得学分, 在暑期学校项目中)应该在参加课程之前获得注册办公室的批准. Without prior approval, no assurance of transfer credit can be made.

Admission Classifications


Regular Admission

Applicants who are admitted without reservation are granted regular admission. Students must have regular admission status to become candidates for degree.

Provisional Admission

在作出录取决定时,申请文件不完整的申请人可以获得临时录取. 收到的材料必须足够坚固,以保证临时录取,等待收到缺失的材料. The missing materials must be received prior to the beginning of the semester. As soon as the student’s file is complete, it will be reviewed and acted upon by the Office of Admissions.

Special Admission

Manchester University Academy (high school student enrollment)

High school students with strong academic backgrounds may be admitted to take 十大网赌正规网址的校园学分课程或通过十大网赌正规网址学院课程的虚拟课程. 感兴趣的学生必须向招生办公室提交十大网赌正规网址学院申请. The University reserves the right to limit course options for high school students.

Non-Degree Admission

非学位状态是为高中毕业生设计的,他们希望通过大学工作来提高自己, developing or maintaining skills for employment, 将学分转到另一个机构的学位或课程或教师认证. 学生可以以非学位候选人的身份填写入学申请, available in the Office of Admissions. 如果学生正在学习新的专业,那么拥有先前学士学位的学生可以作为寻求学位的学生进行额外的工作. 注册办公室将决定先前学位的哪些课程将满足新专业的要求.


